
Greetings to you in the Lord's name. I would be happy to receive your literature through the address below... Thank you and God bless.
Adeyemi Oladapo Bida, Niger State
I read a copy of Church Arise! and found it so interesting. Hence I wish to be an on-line subscriber. Remain blessed.
Chukwunonso Obi
It gives me the greatest pleasure in writing this letter...[Church Arise!] was brought to my room by one of my friends, and when I read it, I was very happy. It also drew my life nearer to God. This is why I am using the opportunity to plead to you if you can send some of these magazines to me.....I have just submitted my life to God. I pray that may Almighty God continue to uphold you and your ministries.
Samuel Oladosu, Ile-Ife
Please, I need your magazine.
How can I get it ? Please mail me soonest.
Awosoji Amos, Ile-Ife
It gladdened my heart when I received CA! newsletter (by e-mail). Keep on doing the good work and may the Lord reward your labour of love.
Olu Ayegbusi, Zaria
I am a reader of the CA! publication .. and have been an ardent follower of its series ever since I was on Campus [at OAU]. Presently I am in Ebonyi State for the NYSC programme and would appreciate it if I would be provided with this year's series through post. May the good Lord continue to uphold you and the ministry he has entrusted to your care.
Samuel Akinpe, Abakaliki
The Church Arise! has been a source of inspiration and challenge [to me]
Jide Adetona, Ile-Ife
God bless you as He uses your ministry as a battle axe to uproot in this nation particularly and to build in His kingdom. I will keep praying for you.
Maureen Akintayo, Lagos
I have been going through these bulletins [CA!] published bi-monthly for a very long time and I want to confess to you that I see the ministry of Church Arise! LivingWater Ministries as the Biblical children of Issachar in the book of 1 Chro. 12:32, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. I see this great ministry alerting the saints on what is going on across the globe and that is one great way of bringing men to the knowledge of the Saviour Jesus Christ. Please keep it up.
Olalekan Afolabi, Ibadan.
I'd like to know what to do when the national identity card becomes implemented
Linda Mbuko
Editor: Guard carefully your heart. Never receive an implanted microchip version no matter the carrot or the stick! And most importantly make sure of your connection and identity with Jesus the soon-coming King.
I have been seeing your publication, Church Arise!. I sincerely feel God is doing something great through your ministry. May I ask if you have the electronic version of it?
Olayinka Akinde
Editor: The electronic version of CA! is now available, as from last edition.
I have appreciated the copies of CA! you have been sending to me and I now have regular readers who really look out for your very interesting publications.. Thank you for all your efforts and your contributions to the spread of the word and battle against spiritual irredentism and prostitution!
B.E. Lagos.
I write to acknowledge the receipt of the document sent to me on the 'One World Government'. It was a delight to receive such an educative and 'factual' package. Please accept my sincere gratitude.
Jaiyesimi Olanrewaju, Ile-Ife
